Monday, March 28, 2011

Opening Day Tweet Up

It has been a while…

First off I would like to apologize to all of my regular readers for my lack of articles lately. I’ve been swamped with school, sports, and everything else that has been thrown my way. But opening day is almost here—the best day of the year!

This offseason, a few other Tweeps and I have been discussing the idea of an opening day tweet up. We want to have all the Mariners fans on twitter, well as many as possible, meet up during the game. After lots of discussing, we have decided on “The Pen” or formerly known as “The Bullpen Market". The following map gives you a brief overview of where it is and how to find it.

It is by sections 151 and 152 and it is right next to the bullpen. We will be meeting between the top and the bottom of the third inning. It will be a fun way to interact with other Tweeps and meet each other! For those of you with Four Square, it would be fun for everyone to check in at once. 

Another thing we want to do as a part of the Twitter filled opening day is have a list or chart of where everyone will be sitting. This way we can know who will be around us, and all the fun things like that.

I will be keeping a running tab on where everyone will be sitting on the page above titled “Opening Day Seating.” The people you should contact on where you will be sitting are:

Another way to inform us of where you will be sitting is to simply comment on the “Opening Day Seating” page. I hope you all like the idea and will help us make it the best it can possibly be.

We will also be using the hash tag of #HOPEning during the event. (Watch for the #WeWantaWS to be thrown out there as well.) So let us get ready for opening day, as I know we have all been anxiously waiting! 

If you have any questions, ask away!

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