Opening Day Seating

Let us know where you will be sitting! On this page, you will be able to find where everyone will be sitting on opening day. We want to have as many people as possible listed so make sure you spread the word!

100 Level:
  • Austin Williams: Section 118, Row 19, Seat 5. Twitter: @austin329
  • Scott Carden: Section 106, Row 23, Seats 1 & 2. Twitter: @ShrtFatWhiteGuy
  • Cheryl Ann Jensen: Section 129, Row 42, Seats 1-6. Twitter: @marinersuperfan
  • Ray Jensen: Section 129, Row 42, Seats 1-6. Twitter: @raysjensen
  • Sarah Rasmussen: Section 129, Row 42, Seats 1-6. Twitter: @sarahroser
  • Jordan Rasmussen: Section 129, Row 42, Seats 1-6. Twitter: @TheJordanPaul
  • Peter and Angie Mag: Section 148, Row 30. Twitter: @realpetermag
  • Jason and Janine Simon: Section 148, Row 30. Twitter: @myohmymariners
  • Heather Morrow: Section 115, Row 29, Seat 15. Twitter: @HMMorrow
  • Josh Starkey: Section 115, Row 29, Seat 16. Twitter: @starkeeey
  • Chris Cochran: Section 149. Twitter: @kingkube
  • Will Boyd: Section 152, Row 38, Seat 9. Twitter: @wbboyd
  • Janetta Boyd: Section 152, Row 38, Seat 10. Twitter: @Janetta 
  • Vanessa: Section 104, Row 26, Seats 1 and 2. Twitter: VanessaH34
  • Chris Theraldson: Section 118, Row 18, Seat 13 and 13.
  • Jake Gravbot: Section 183, Row 7, Seats 20 and 21. Twitter: hxcharistylist
  • Sahil Piyarali: Section 124 Row 6 Seats 1-4
  • Sonny Spencer: Section 109, Row 25, Seats 14-15. Twitter: @sono23
  • Brett Miller: Section 108, Row 24, Seats 5-6
  • Cary Murphy: Section 128, Row 40, Seat 17. Twitter: GrandSalamiTime
  • Jeffrey Zirkle: Section 148, Row 15, Seats 5 and 6.
200 Level:
  • Ryan Briggs: Section 223, Row 10
  • The Insider Steve: Section 241, Row 11, Seat 10
  • Elliot Rosen: Section 238, Row 4, Seat 5. Twitter: @ElliotRoLOLZ
  • Warren Sadler: Section 212, Row 12, Seats 3 and 4. Twitter: Wpsadler

300 Level:

  • Micah Brunner: Section 313, Row 25. Twitter: @MicahBrunner
  • Thomas Evans: Section 313, Row 7. Twitter: @ThomasBEvans
  • Randy Perry: Seciton 306, Seats 1 and 2. Twitter: @shufixer
  • Melissa Jilk: Section 333, Row 18, Seat 5. Twitter: RIPKingdome
  • Patrick Jones: Section 331, Row 12, Seats 7-11. Twitter: CougarPTJ

Center Field Landing (Beer Garden):

  • Ryanna Hartley: Twitter: @ryannahartley
  • Carla: Twitter: @GoofyMsFan

Hit It Here Cafe:
  • Wardell Baldwin: Twitter: @wardellb3
  • Jeremy (@clarknova11) and Joseph Crowell (@MarinersForum): Table 14
All-Star Club Suite:
  • 206SportsFan: Section 224. Twitter: 206SportsFan

If you are interested in meeting up on Opening Day, please read the following article: